Friday, April 3, 2009

Things to Remember When Traveling to South America

Ok... so being here the past month has given me an insight into what I forgot at home... here we go:

1. Bug Spray- I have bug bites lining my arms, legs, and feet. And a can of OFF is $35 pesos here! So bring some. Espeically with the Dengue Fever going around in the Mosquitos here in Bs.As.

2. Converter- Don´t expect a homestay to provide this. Though some do, this is crucial, and it can get rather confusing trying to find a store that sells these!

3. Frommer´s or Lonely Planet Guide to the Country you are visiting- This can prove rather helpful in finding interesting places worth you money, as well as hostels, boat lines, and airlines in order to travel around the country.

4. Comfortable Shoes- Forget the usual high heels worn with your nice dress slacks! I brought at least ten pairs of shoes with me, and surprisingly my Crocs have been my most worn shoes. Unlike the short walk to classes back home, the walks here are intense with ten blocks being the minimum walk to many places one must go. Oh, and forget the hype that Portenos do not wear flip flops. I made the mistake of listening to this, and I did not bring my flip flops. Oh how I miss my rainbows!

5. Bring a backpack for weekend excursions- Taking a bulky suitcase everywhere is not the best bet when traveling for the weekend to the mountains or taking a boat to another country. Having just a bookbag, that can be used as a suitcase on the weekends is the best solution to the problem, as well as lighter in the packing!

6. Cool Clothing- I thought it would almost be winter once I got down here, but its always hot. Yes, the nights get cooler, but the weather always gets sticky and humid during the day, thus the need for shorts, tanktops, and dresses is a MUST! I miss my sundresses unbelievable!

7. Clothing Sizes- Do not expect to shop for clothes in Bs.As. if you are over a size 14 or if your shoe size is over a 9.5. Their clothes are cut differently in each store, despite the law saying they must uniformly cut clothes. Your best bet to find clothing is Walmart, but the choices are very slim.

*****I will post again Monday, because I will not have internet access in Uruguay this weekend. I am going to Igazu all next week (Tuesday to Sunday) so my posts will be very limited, because of the lack of internet access!

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