Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A ridiculous night in Belgrano

Ok, so I'm officially poor. I tried to go out, and realized I just didn't even want to have to pay for a cab anymore. So, I chose to stay in the neighborhood. The issue is, nmothing happens in our neighborhood. It's super residencial, and downright quiet for latin america. But, nevertheless, I made plans. I decided I would go with two friends, bowling of all things, inside a grocery store... I know, weird. Anyhow, we met up at the bowling alley, but decided we wanted to get something to drink beforehand. We wandered around for a long time until we stumbled upon a wine bar. We decided a bottle of wine might not be a bad idea. So, we entered, and that is where we stayed... until 4 in the morning. We ordered a bottle, and then we thought there was live music, only to learn that it was a SONY demo with Rockband! Argentina style... which means, EASY, because no one's ever played rockband here. We listened to bad drumming, guitar playing, and the worst of all, spanish speakers trying to sing along in english. But, it was fantastic! We laughed, and the guy that was running the demo came and sat down with us. It turns out he's an intern here from University of Arizona. I'm sort of jealous I don't have a way cool internship like that! Anyhow, we all ended up talking for hours and singing along, and I felt like a true argentinian in this hole in the wall palying rock band! Oh my, what a night.

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