Sunday, May 17, 2009

I am a genius!!

Ok, I am so proud of myself. In an earlier post, about a month ago, I was angry because my camera's SD disk stopped working. Well, let me just update you... I fixed it all by myself. I may not know how to do it again if I had to, because it could have just been luck or divine guidance, but for now until I have to fix it again, I'll be calling it pure genius! Yes! Anyhow, I've included the old pictures that have been rediscovered from the SD disk. In addition, I would like to add that it was super fun hanging out with Ashley in my neighborhood's china town, and Angels and Demons was FABULOUS!! Also, I went to a Budhist gathering with my house mom on Friday night. I got to watch an "interesting" movie, and eat lots of good food. Has anyone seen Peaceful Warrior?? I'd like some feedback! Anyhow, I'm headed out Wednesday night for Bariloche, and Ashley will follow the day after, and we're going to attempt to go snowshoing... I'll let ou know how it all plays out when I get back! Needless to say, the posting might be slim for the next week! I promise I'll have a lot to say soon when I get back!

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