Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oh what a week it has been!

The first weekend after classes started. What a week it has been! It’s strange to be in the classroom again after so long… I totally forgot how hard the first week can be. You know, getting use to the professors to the classes to the material. I cannot say how much I am enjoying all of this, but I will say that I think my professors were at a competition to see who could make me fall asleep the fastest. I sincerely hope that competition will be dropped very soon. After the first week, I do believe that the biggest inconvenience is the lack of a personal printer. You are lucky, oh Wofford students, to have the ability to print in the Library and Milliken for free! Here, like most everywhere, it costs $0.10 to print one page black and white. I am still trying to find a way to get around that; time will tell if I will succeed…

Well, the weekend is finally here and I decided to celebrate it by going to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image. The feature exhibit happened to be “Dreams Come True: The Art of Disney’s Classic Fairy Tales.” This translates to an art exhibit on the making of the animated Princess Movies. There were original drawings by the artists of pretty much every major scene in the movies. We had Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, the Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, the Princess and the Frog, and Tangled (which I still have yet to see!!). It was very nicely put together and I enjoyed in a lot. I liked seeing the earlier drawings and interpretations of the artists. It was also interesting to read about how they were inspired by the original Fairy Tales (i.e. Brothers Grimm), but adapted by Disney to the classic stories we know today. Interestingly, Walt Disney was quoted to have said that he hoped these movies would inspire people to go take the original stories off of the bookshelf and read them. I sadly find it ironic that that does not appear to be the case anymore… People, especially young girls, are more than happy to keep to the movies versions.

On our way journey to the ACMI and on our way home, we stopped at the Greek Festival. That is one great thing about the city is that there is something always going on! Now the tricky part is to actually try and find out what is going on…

Well, I am done for the day.



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