Saturday, March 28, 2009

Things I Have Learned in London thus far...

1. Public transportation is amazing and I love beginning each day with a walk to the tube station. Plus, the "tube voice" is always entertaining ("Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.").
2. Americans are way louder than any other nationality.
3. Sometimes getting lost is the best way to get your bearings in a new city.
4. People watching is one of my all time favorite activities.  Though, I need to learn not to stare.
5. I did not pack appropriately... or it could just be the anxiety of not having everyyyything I own close at hand.
6. Pictures are the BEST souvenirs.
7. Living in a foreign country has given me a renewed interest in international news and global concerns.
8. I actually love reading The Economist.
9. A long walk is way more enjoyable than a long shorter run- plus you can actually take in your surroundings.
10. Not taking the elevator (ever) has made a huge difference in my leg strength (no wonder Europeans are fit).
11. Even when I am not in a hurry, I love rushing up the left side of the escalator when leaving or entering the tube station- it makes me feel like I am on my way to somewhere important.
12. It's refreshing not watching T.V. every day.  But I do miss the morning news.
13. I also miss having my own coffee maker-- I have discovered that I am a coffee addict.
14. Flying from Florence to London on an Italian airline somehow cured my fear of flying.  Perhaps it was the language barrier?
15. Afternoon tea is the perfect 3:00PM pick-me-up :)
16. I love the Waitrose (London's small supermarket chain).  But, I miss the convenience of huge American grocery stores (neverrr thought I would say this).
17. I can see myself living in London after graduation.
18. My entire life, I have been a fast walker-- in London, I am just a average-paced walker... 

* More to come!

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