Monday, February 8, 2010

Tyler Swain Madagascar Day 4

Madagascar Day 4:

Hello America.

I haven't updated yet because, although with plenty to update on, there's really been nothing to update with. In fact, as I'm recording this I have no idea when it will actually make it onto the inter-webs.

I left home on Tuesday evening and got here Thursday morning. After getting picked up from the airport with the other two to arrive that day, we went to market and then on to the hotel for orientation.

That's where I learned lesson no. 1, always lock your luggage:

I got to my room that night, everyone else was either asleep or not around, looked through my things I needed for this week and in the meantime found everything have been shuffled through, bags ripped open, my camera and portable hard drive stolen. I can't help but think that sometime while in Johannesburg, an airline employee had the perfect opportunity to sneak around.

Well that event defined the next 24 hours for me as the next day we went all around the capital city trying to find the right office to file the complaint. After about 6 hours of waiting, driving, waiting, and driving some more we got to the right place, and I even heard the word reimbursement mentioned, so that's possibly a good sign?

Anyway, I told many of you that this trip would involve me and four girls: Molly, Cassidy, Jillian, and Ashley. But I was wrong. Molly and Cassidy, both girls; Jillian, dropped out of coming last minute; and Ashley is apparently a very common guy's name in South Africa. So with four, we are the smallest, most well balanced guy girl ratio group to ever hit SIT Madagascar.

Today, we're going to market where we'll have some sort of not-yet-released assignment to complete in pairs. Should be interesting.

Oh, and the country? Beautiful. The people are really nice, and the food? Well, we'll get to that...

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