Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tyler Swain Madagascar Day 24

Madagascar Day 24:

It's Saturday, and instead of sleeping in like I have in the past I woke up at regular time (6:00AM) and got ready for my day. My host brother is taking an English course at the local school where my host mom teaches, and I was invited to come speak to the class. It was so much fun!!! The class lasted 2 hours and, on top of speaking and taking questions for about 30 minutes, I was able to walk around and help the students with their work. It was really awesome to turn around and be the "native speaker" for once! Just like my host mom said, all the girls were flirting and wanting to know my Facebook details, laughing at everything I said. Aside from the slight awkwardness of it all, it was nice to feel welcome! Today I'll be spending the remainder of the daylight hours working on a 3 page French paper about children and education, and then tonight I'll be going to my first night club--ever. Our director has set everything up, including taxis there and back, so it should be good, safe, and fun. Is the heel-toe still cool?...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tyler Swain doing the heel-toe = timelessly cool