Stop in the Name of Cupcakes
Bliss is but a moment with a cupcake. Moist. Yummy. Not too sweet but not anywhere near flavorless. I had the Peanut Butter Fudge Swirl. The chocolatey goodness perfectly complimented the delicious peanut butter frosting. In the middle, there was a melted chocolate surprise waiting for its victim. Where did this small bite of heaven come from, you may ask? The Cupcakery that ate Georgetown, Georgetown Cupcake. Visiting Georgetown Cupcake, the subject of TLC’s new show, DC Cupcakes, was something I was both anticipating and dreading. There was just so much hype orbiting this cupcakery that I feared it would cloud my objective. I also imagined the inevitable line would be somewhat disagreeable on a frosty February evening. However, deep down I was dying to know: do these cupcakes live up to the frequent “DC’s best cupcake” proclamation? I came to a conclusion. To say this cupcake was “good” or even “great” may quite possibly be the biggest understatement of the year.
I have and will always be a cupcake person. Little did I know that my perception of cupcakes would be changed forever. For me it goes without saying that an ever so slightly warm cupcake, freshly made, and ultra moist brings the utmost joy. Cupcakes are small, giving me the sense of being dainty. They are self sustaining. In a pinch, neither plate nor napkin is necessary.The very best part, because of its unique size, is that you don't have to share! You have your own little serving and no one in their right mind would ask for a bite.
The long line was instantly a turn off and once I finally got to the counter, I thought that $2.75 was a little expensive for a cupcake. After the first bite, I determined I would pay $5.00 maybe even, embarrassingly $7 or even $8. For one cupcake, yes I know. And I would wait until the cows come home if needed. The wonderful folks at this establishment are amazing masters of cake flavor. Their care and experience comes through with each and every bite. My cupcake was beautifully presented; and consistency in look equaled consistency in flavor. Before the very first bite, I carefu

I acknowledge that it may seem odd that I chose the moment Georgetown Cupcake's bliss hit my lips as my enlightening experience while in DC. I thought on this topic for quite some time; and asked myself the question, "What is one thing that I have experienced that I would tell someone that they HAVE to do?" and "What is one of the first things that I would talk about when asked about the city and my time here?." I thought of various answers ranging from the Holocaust Museum to meeting Congressmen and Senators but found myself coming back to the earth-changing fluffy cake at Georgetown. Maybe it is yet another side of me that many will never understand. Horses, ballroom dancing, cupcakes. Who can explain any of it?
I have philosophized about this obsession and determined that one can find a unique satisfaction in feeling better about oneself after eating a single cupcake, the alternative being the savage attack and devouring of half a cake. Women armed with a dessert fork and a spare five minutes are not a force to be reckoned with. The sad part is always that last bite in which I debated re-entering that 45 minute line at Georgetown Cupcake. Coming back to reality always means finding a proper way to dispose of the paper wad.
I finally understand what the rage is about. This professional little shop of sunshine deserves it’s reputation as one of the best cupcakeries in the nation. Not because of the fame generated by their television exposure, but because they have elevated a simple classroom dessert to a surprisingly addictive level that will definitely outlast the cupcake fad and bring me back for years to come.

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