Sunday, February 27, 2011

And so it begins...

Today was the first day of the first semester of the University of Melbourne. Both of my tutorials (tutes) were canceled, but I got to attend my first lecture. Ok. Let me give you a bit of background information…

Because the uni is so large they do not have MWF and TTR classes. It is really strange but convenient. Most classes have a 1 or 2 hour lecture once a week (some have it twice a week) and a 1 hour tutorial. Lectures are done in theaters and usually contain around 300 students. The tutorials are more like the classes we experience at Wofford. This is when students get together and go over questions and problems they do not understand from the lectures. Now, science classes are a bit different. I am taking Environmental Chemistry and it meets 1hr three times a week for lecture. We also have practical (lab) and a tutorial to attend; interestingly enough we do not have to go to them every week…

I know this seems really confusing. Don’t worry, I haven’t even figured it all out yet. When I do, I’ll make sure to let y’all know. Oh! One interesting fact is that most degrees here take 3 years to complete. So, whenever I tell someone what year I am, I reply with a “3 out of 4.” Also, there is no “freshman,” “sophomore,” “junior,” or “senior” classification here. No, they are known my either First, Second, or Third Year (there are a few here getting duel degrees and are on their 4th or 5th year). After their Third Year, they can either go straight into a Masters program or participate in what they call an Honors Year (pretty much they do research for a year before going to get a higher degree).

Well, before I leave you I would like to inform you of the classes I will be taking. I am enrolled for Environmental Chemistry, an Accounting class, Australia Now (my cultures and people’s class), and Australian Sports and Education class. After this week I will hopefully know if I like the classes, if not I still will have another week of “Shopping.”

By the way, for any of the Math and Chemistry Majors at Wofford: if you wanted to say that you majored in math and chemistry here in Australia, you would have to say that your courses are maths and chem. Oh well, I thought it was interesting.

Alright, take care!


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