and Spring time in Vienna couldn't be nicer. The flowers are beginning to bloom, and it is actually getting warm! This past weekend the weather was so nice, I walked all around town. On SSaturday I went to the Naschmarkt with a friend, and then we sat in Stadtpark for a while. The Stadtpark, which means City Park, it one of the biggest parks in Vienna. People like to go there and lay out, etc in the summer time, and this past weekend there was already quite a crowd. There are tons of grassy areas, but also plenty of benches that line the park should you not want to risk getting dirty on the ground. A popular part of the park is the Kursalon. Originally they served "healing mineral water" from the glacier springs there, but they no longer do that today--instead it's often used for classical concerts. The entire park is beautiful, and a wonderful place to go when the weather is nice.
After spending the day outside I came home, and opened up all of the windows in my apartment. I wanted to make a springy dinner, so I made ratatouille. I just got a basil plant, so I am growing my own basil, and used it in the ratatouille Saturday.

The pictures don't really do it justice, but it turned out pretty good, and was a perfect colorful, start of Spring dish.
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