Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dreisam River Bike Ride


I love Freiburg, Germany! It’s been a wonderful city to live in for the past few months. Freiburg is close to several airports for international travel, has a wonderful rail system, and is beautifully located in the Black Forest. The people are very friendly, honest, and helpful. All this week I spent my time in Freiburg to get a feel for what I would show my parents when they come to visit. I am excited to show off the city I’ve lived in! I look forward to trying new restaurants, eating gelato from Portofino’s, climbing the Schlossberg that overlooks the city, and roaming through the city center streets. Since spring is here, everything is in bloom and the city is even more enchanting! Most people have been taking advantage of the weather, taking long walks, grilling along the Dreisam River, or eating at the outdoor cafés.

This Saturday, I also took advantage of the gorgeous weather. I went on a 40+km bike ride along the Dreisam River and had a fantastic time!

The kilometer markers along the Dreisam River let us know how far we had gone so we could count down to 0km…. and then count up.

Along our bike ride we saw swans, several herons, and sheep!

Not to mention the open, grassy pastures, rolling mountains, blooming trees, and small towns. There were so many beautiful scenes to take in!

We enjoyed a nice long picnic when we met the halfway point or 0km marker.

It was wonderful to relax, enjoy each other’s company, and soak in the sun. After we returned our bikes to the rental in town, we treated ourselves to gelato. It was the best way to start and end a Saturday, even though we were sore! I slept so well that night and am fully rested for my visitors who come later today!

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