Friday, March 11, 2011


So, some of you guys might know this, but Australian’s drive on the left side of the road. I have gotten really good at crossing the street. Rule #1: Always look to the right before crossing the road (look to the left as well, but definitely the right). Now, because Aussies drive on the left, they also tend to walk to the left. For Americans that can cause a slight problem… When one walks down the sidewalk and trying to get out of the way of a person coming straight at them, we tend to shift to the right. Well, they likewise shift to their left. Thus we have the awkward sidewalk dance (a.k.a. not getting out of each other’s way). Rule #2: Always move to the left when walking. I am mastering Rule #1 and #2 rather well. Now, I think that the strangest thing with Australians doing things on the left has to be the revolving doors. I can get use to the cars and the walking, but revolving doors turning clockwise really throw me off! It is very weird.

I thought I would just give you guys a taste of day to day life. Cheers! Allison

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