Friday, March 18, 2011

Classes at the University of Melbourne

Hey y'all! Hope everything is going well back in good ol' SC. I just thought I would give you an update about my class schedule and everything. Well, I am taking 4 classes, 3 based on Australia. They are: Australia Now, Australian Sports & Education, Australia and America, and Environmental Chemistry. They are very interesting classes. I am really excited about all of them. One interesting thing is that since this is such a huge university, you don't really have to go to classes. Why you might ask. Well, that is because many of the lectures are posted as video or regular recordings online along with lecture notes. Fun huh? And we don't have the typical MWF and TTR classes. I have three classes that have one lecture and one tute per week.

Well, more to come. I just finished cleaning up my room (yay)! Now, I need to go get groceries.


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