Danish modern art
I had to work on four papers and prepare for a final this past week so I did not get a chance to do touristy things around the city. I locked up myself in my room and studies the whole time. It was not that bad because I had a few hours to spare every now and then in which I went to a few places.
The David Collection: One of my favorite museums in Denmark, this museum does not get a lot of tourist attention because its located way back in the old city. One of my friends visited it earlier and absolutely loved it so I had to go too. I visited it today and took a lot of pictures. The museum has European 18th century art, Danish early modern art and most importantly significant pieces of Islamic art. The collection is housed in the building once occupied by the museum's founder, C. L David.
Islamic collection of the museum comes from Middle-East, Spain and India and covers the period from as early as 7th century to late 19th century. The collection mainly consisted of miniature painting, textiles and calligraphy. I brushed up my Persian and Arabic skills by reading the actual texts. It was a unique experience because I never came across a historically old Islamic art before.
Unfortunately, my camera has been acting up so even though I thought that I had uploaded all the pictures to my computer, I can't find them anywhere. I am still trying to find out what actually happened with them.
But yes, its summer in Copenhagen, there are tourists everywhere which makes the city more exciting. I took advantage of the nice weather and arranged a picnic with few of my friends yesterday. It turned out to be a lot of fun, we enjoyed people watching while snacking on Danish pastries and dried fruits.
There is only a week and half left in my semester, my time in Copenhagen is coming to end soon. I have tried not to think about it too much but before I leave, I am taking a trip to Paris. Since, I am going by myself, it might be helpful to learn a few French words (just because I heard you are better off if you know the language). So stay tuned for a good story on Paris trip, in the meanwhile enjoy my some cool Tivoli pictures.

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