Robert Collier once said, "“All of us have bad luck and good luck. The man who persists through the bad luck - who keeps right on going - is the man who is there when the good luck comes - and is ready to receive it.” I sure hope this is so because this weeks seems to be one thing after the other. I am currently on a friend's computer to get to you because mine broke (of course). I took it to the computer store and of course they could not guarantee that they could fix it. You may ask what else is going wrong? Well a computer is pretty important this week because I need to sign up for tutorials and register for workshops. Why not go to the library? Well there is never a computer available in the library and you have to wait for about an hour. I guess everyone's computers broke this week. Also, my cell phone is also messing up. Won't send messages half the time or complete calls so please people don't think I am ignoring you. It is the NOKIA. I have only a noodle to my name in the kitchen. The dryer completely ruined my clothes. And I also cannot manage to get my schedule fixed to accomodate each of my classes with their accompanying tutorials. I am starting to think someone has it out for me. BUT....
On the bright side. I am in Australia. Just had a bright moment in the midst of all this darkness, I am fortunate enough to be across the world in an amazing country at a great university. With that said, I think I can manage some mildewy clothes, small lunch, and long lines in the library. Hey who knows, maybe I will make some friends during the wait!
Now to my updates (other than all the negatives). I have great classes. My Jane Austen class is going to be absolutely fabulous and I already have a crush on my teacher. She is australian and so nice and funny. Can't wait to learn all about Jane during this course! We have a workshop this Friday from 10-4:30 which seems like a long time but our professor isn't making it mandatory and also is bringing food and including interactive games. Now that's my kind of workshop! Cant wait.
My other class, Resituating Modernism: Decolonizing Texts (isn't that a mouthful), is also going to be great fun. My teacher is very interesting, from Canada, and super pumped about the subject. There is really nothing better than a teacher being MORE excited about the subject that they are teaching than the student being excited about the clock striking when they get out. Why shouldn't teachers be passionate about their occupations? Anyways, the only kicker for this class is the amount of reading. It is such a LOAD! She warned us in her first few sentences that this class was going to be a challenge and not one just to take for fun (although she asserted it would be!). So I say bring it on. We are studying authors that use modernist techniques from all around the world, not simply the U.S. and England. We are also looking to some women writers, which were often neglected and regarded as inferior. HOW dare they! It's a 2 hour lecture which is a little attention demanding but I suspect that the course material will keep it interesting and the professor lively.
Also, don't know what it is about Australians but they are so laid back. 3 cell phones went off in class and my professor just kept on going. One person ANSWERED! She never once mentioned it and it was clear that it did not bother her. She cursed a few times in her opening and she also opened her lunch! I was thinking, Am I on a different planet? She told us to feel free to do as we please in the class. I just wonder where these boundaries lie.... ha

Now to my most interesting class, Law and Society. This class is going to be great and will improve my critical thinking skills and analytical thinking. There are about 300 people in the class! Coming from Wofford, where average class size is 15, to a class of 300 or more was needless to say a transition. The second lecture I went into the video room to see what it was like and loved it! Because the class is so large, there are two lecture rooms. The first one is where the actual professor is teaching and the second is a similar room with a screen of her video and powerpoints. The video room was much more laid back and I really liked the atmosphere. I think the class will be very interesting because we will be learning about law, what comprises it, how to enforce it, is it even something enforcable etc. She posed an interesting question that I will leave with you: What is law? Pretty hard to put your finger on if you ask me.
Now to more fun things aka non class related ha! Yesterday, I took my computer to the computer store and got to experience a little more of the outskirts of Bundoora. It was really pleasant and quite pretty! Once I got back, Jill and I went to the pool on campus and went for a swim. I even got on the Tarzan rope and swung into the pool! Sure I looked like a monkey but oh well....
Today's plans are to go get groceries (HALLELUJAH) and get school supplies. There is a really nice shopping center called Northland that is a 15 minute bus ride away that has everything under the sun! After our outing, we are planning to come back and make a yummy dinner and then go to the Bald Eagle tonight for an orientation party. Should be fun and I hope there is dancing!
Side note... John comes on the 15th!!!! So excited and if anyone wants to send me something great, he can bring it with him :) We all know thats why I asked him to come anyway haha JK JOHN! Well, that's something to look forward to and I can't wait to show someone else this great city.
Until next time!
1 comment:
Love the Pics Mae! Glad you're having fun. Can't wait to see you!
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