So this week 22/02/10- 28/02/10 (Australian date system) has been simultaneously great and also bad. On Wednesday night as part of Orientation we had a Uniform party in which I performed health checks as a nurse, Jill performed cheers for the team as a cheerleader, and Aubray performed a few digs in the sand as a volleyball player. It was a great time and very packed! We traveled over to Glenn College (another residential college) and had the first intercollegiate shin dig of the year! There was great music and lots of dancing (not necessarily all great ha).

Now to the bad news... We are all woken up at 8 a.m. early on Thursday morning and called into compulsory hall meetings. We were given the news that last night a first year student fell off of his balcony after the party at Glenn and that the paramedics could not revive him. It was such sad news and we all felt terrible. Everyone was upset and the O-staff decided to cancel the remainder of O-week and its activities in respect of the boy and his family.
So with this news, Jill and I decided to get away from LaTrobe for a little while and venture into the city. We grabbed a bus (we now avoid the tram as much as possible) and headed in! We decided our plans would include going to a niceish dinner and sitting for a while and then maybe to a movie or a little cafe. Did our perfect plans ensue? Of course not. Upon arrival into the city, we both decided all of a sudden that we were STARVING. Jill remembered a cute little casual place to eat on Flinders Lane that we should go to. I agreed so we went on about our way searching for this hidden gem. Of course, it was hidden too well for our eyes and we never found it :( So... we continued to walk for about 30 minutes in search of a good but relatively cheap restaurant. Where did we end up? McDonalds. Yep I said it McDonalds. We became so frustrated with walking and our rumbling tummys that we ended up at....McDonalds. What happened after was the truly fun part. We continued down the street after our DELICIOUS dinner and went to a cute bakery called Michel's and got coffee and cake. We sat there for about 3 hours people watching, feeding the birds, and avoiding the worker (REALLY chatty). We also on occasion performed a few social experiments which were quite humorous to say the least. After this, we hopped on the tram on the way back to LaTrash (our new word for it but we do love our school-just not quite as glamorous as the city). While on the tram, we made new friends that suggested we go to the Eagle Bar because they were having a great band. Jill and me being the spontaneous adventurous people that we are decided to go and rushed back to get ready! It was fun night and we had a great time.

Now it is Friday morning and we are heading off to the beach so hopefully I will get a sun tan. Oh one more interesting fact, Australia has a hole in the ozone layer so the sun is worse and more potent than the sun back at home so don't worry I will slip on a hat and slop on some sunscreen! See ya until next time!
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