MIDTERMS... May I just say... I MISS WOFFORD'S MID-TERMS.. yeah.. they are that bad here!!!

What an interesting experience. I arrive at the movie theatre in hopes of having a nice study break, yeah, it is mid-terms week, and WOW the studying is massively intense. Anyways, I arrive at the movie theatre and the entrance fee is only 10 pesos. Yeah, that is only about 3 dollars USD! I was totally psyched. I go inside wanting concession of course.
There is something about the aroma of the popcorn as soon as you step into a theatre that makes you want to purchase food immediately. Well, popcorn, a drink, and M&Ms are 14 pesos, which will run you about 3.80 USD. Unlike movie theatres back home there is not fifteen minutes of previews. They do not even let you into the movie theatre until after the time your ticket says. In order to get up to the theatre, you have to climb 3 flights of stairs. I swear, Argentines and their stairs. Then once into the theatre, you have to climb some more stairs to get to your seat. The movie was centered in the screen, but thank goodness they fixed the screen. Oh, the movie I saw was Los Rapiodos y Los Furiosos 4 (The Fast and the Furious 4). It was amazing! Nothing like a movie with Paul Walker and Vin Diesel to make your brain refreshed.
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