So. I really didn´t believe that BA was as dangerous as some said. But it is. Let me just begin to tell you SOME of the stories that have happened so far in less than 3 weeks. To start, two Wofford girls, the day they arrived, were attacked at 4pm on a rainy day, by a gang of 8 year olds with sharpened spoons and sticks. They chose to fight them off. One girl started kicking them in the heads, and the other girl chose to punch them. Please, pause for a moment and tell me this image is not too much for you to even imagine! I find myself laughing and horrified all at the same time! Secondly, one of my friends took a sketchy cab on accident, althought it was marked as safe, and he took her away from her house, and she jumped out of the cab because she was afraid. Third, two girls took a cab home, and the cab passed their apartment by a couple of doors, and they decided they would just walk the extra couple of feet, and because of this decision, they were robbed with a knife. Fourth, another friend was walking in midafternoon with another girl. A man pushed her into a corner and mugged her, but she screamed so loud, she startled him, and ran away! Fifth, my university, Universidad Torcuato di Tella, in Belgrano (super rich, safe, nice neghborhood where I live) was robbed in the middle of the night. Sixth, one of the UES students wen todwn toward the BOCA stadium, and was robbed at gunpoint in the middle of daylight. Ok. I´ll stop the stories here. Please pray for me. I might not make it home alive, or atleast I´ll not have all of my stuff. But whatever you do, DON´T TELL MY PARENTS!
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