Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Last Post???

So, I haven't posted in awhile. It's going to be a long one, and probably my last. To start with, my dad flew in two weeks ago, and we traveled around the northwest of Argentina together. I caught the flu, and we had to go into some little adobe hut hospital and farmacy where they were able to get me some medicine, and I started getting better. My dad flew home two nights ago, and I am still getting much better. My strength is low, but I feel so much better. Today I was supposed to have my final concert for one of my exams at the music school that I attend, but due to my cough, I couoldnm't participate. In addition, Argentina is under a serious threat of the flu, and everything is shut down. This includes the university with my final exams, so I'm not sure what to do right now. I have been told to leave the country and take my finals in September from my home university, but I can't change my flight. I am afraid that more countries will close their borders to Argentina and I won't be able to get out before long. Everyone else is already gone. In addition, if I haven't taken my finals, I'm not sure how I will get my scholarship money for Wofford. This is not the best of situations. The banks are closed, so I can't get money out, the theatresa re closed, and the movies are only admitting a quarter capacity. Everyone is really freaked out, and not to mention I'm bored out of my mind. I'm also scared abotu my final in philosophy, because it's really hard and I have a tutor here that helps me. Unfortunately, he has the flu to, so it seems that I'm on my own. My grades are abotu to plummet. So much for law school possibilities... oh my oh my. It seems that it is always something when I'm involved. Anyhow, back to the trip to the Northwest. Other than the flu, we had a great time. It was something to see for sure. We picked up an Incan hitchhiker, and she didn't even speak spanish. It was amazing. The majority of the people had never been itno civilization, and instead lived in the middl of nowwhere without running water and electricity. It was bizarre. I also got to see some interesting ruins, as well as a mummy in perfect condition that looked like it would come to life at any moment. I will never forget this trip. Now... if I can just get home :)