This last couple of days of spring break that I stayed home in Buenos Aires has been interesting. Thursday night I went with a friend to our favorite neighborhood wine bar, where it was comedy night. We go frequently, always searching for Alamo's Malbec, but it's so popular, that's it's ALWAYS out! Instead, we branched out and got heri Cabernet Sauvignon. It was a very good choice. The Malbec is an Argentinian specialty, but it really isn't very flavorful, whereas the Cabernet Sauvignon was intense!! Anyhow, after the wine bar, we had planned on heading over the our local movie theatre to see "La Tierra" or Earth, but my friend Josh intentionally waited just long enough to leave that we would have no choice but to go see his favorite... Star Trek. Take note that earlier this Spring Break, I've already suffered through both Fast and the Furious AND X-Men. It's been tough. Anyhow, Star Trek was pretty tame. I liked some of the effects, I just wasn't overall too interested, but that's ok. Anyhow, Friday I walked with my housemom AGAIN to the concentration camp to go to the museum, but we learned, finally, that it's not even open to the public yet, without a private tour. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Ln my way home, I met up with Josh and we went to this local museum in a family mansion in Belgrano. After touring the mansion and the gardens, we headed over to our favorite ice cream spot, persicco. It was fantastic, as always! Then we went shopping! I didn't buy anything. I was very proud of myself. It was really difficult. Anyhow, I went home and had dinner, and then I met back up with Josh, and we went in search again for Alamo's Malbec. We failed, but we did find some ok wine, and some nice fried "rabas" or calamari, and fried mozzarella sticks! Oh, how I love to eat! On Saturday, I woke up and headed over to meet Josh in Chinatown, located in our very own neighborhood. They are currently in the process of making it foot only traffic. There were tons of protesters, and the traffic was horrible. Anyhow, we had lunch at this new thai place. We sat on the floor eating cocunut and pumpkin soup, chicken satay, a green curry, and some beek studd with oyster sauce and broccoli. We drank cold red tea, and had frozen cream ice cream with honey on top. It's a great place with decent food and a wonderful atmosphere. We then caught a bus to recoleta where we walked to MALBA, a private art museum. There was an exhibition of Diego Rivera, along with some other things. Afterwards I headed home to go see "The Reader" with my house mom and her friend Susana. I loved the movie! My house mom had been super nice for a little bit longer streak than normal, so I was sort of preparing myself for something, and of course, it happened. I decided to wash my hair for the second time in one day. Evidently that's very abnormal, she explained to me. I honestly left the apartment last night laughing when I met up with my friends. My friend Isabel said that she was telling her house mom the horror stories from my living arrangements, and she thought she must know her. One time, my house mom told me she thought I was stealing toilet paper. I am obviously not stealing toilet paper. I informed her that maybe I just go to the ladies room more frequently than others. It was an awkward conversation. Needless to say, Isabel's host mom knows of a lady that counts the toilet paper squares. The funniest thing is that my housemom's never had a student stay with her before, so these two people cannot possibly be the same person. And it's very frightening that there are two different people in the same city that both host people from the same program that are funny about toilet paper usage. I'm sort of at a loss for words. Anyhow, other that these minor complaints, everything's going well. Happy Mother's Day in teh USA to everyone who's a mother!! I'll write again soon!